veraPDF Validation

The veraPDF validation engine implements the PDF/A and PDF/UA specifications using formalizations of each “shall” statement (i.e., each requirement) in PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2, PDF/A-3, PDF/A-4, PDF/UA-1 and PDF/UA-2. These rules are implemented as XML documents known as Validation Profiles and are applied by veraPDF software at runtime.

Read a little more about the veraPDF PDF/A validation model, rules and profiles.

Validation rules

These pages distinctly identify each rule used by the software and provides details on the error(s) triggering a failure of the rule.

For each error the Object type, test condition, applicable specification and conformance level, as well as additional references, are provided.

Understandings based on the discussions of the PDF Validation Technical Working Group are included as appropriate.

Rules for PDF/A-1.

Rules for PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3.

Rules for PDF/A-4.

Rules for PDF/UA-1.

Rules for PDF/UA-2.